Counseling and Treatment Options

(206) 467-3190
Burg & Lantz: WA Criminal Defense
Burg & Lantz: WA Criminal Defense

Give Us A Call: 206-467-3190

We have helped hundreds of people who are in a similar situation to you fight their charges.
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Many people are accused of crimes that involve alcohol, drugs, or mental health issues.

For some people their actions were an isolated incident due to the use of alcohol or drugs. Other people may have a more significant problem with alcohol or drugs and may abuse them or have become dependent upon them.

If your charges stem from alcohol or drugs, most courts will require an alcohol or drug evaluation and completion of the evaluators recommended treatment. If the charges you are facing come from mental health issues or are related to domestic violence, we will also help you find an appropriate evaluator for these issues.

Alcohol or Drug Related Violations:

We work with a variety of Washington State certified alcohol and drug treatment agencies to help guide you through the process. The agencies that we work with are all reputable and are interested in properly evaluating each individual. Some treatment agencies are known to give a “free” evaluation and then find you need thousands of dollars worth of treatment. The agencies we work with do not do this. Instead, they charge a reasonable fee for the time it takes them to do an evaluation. We find that this creates a more fair evaluation for it allows them to make a decision not based upon a financial incentive, but upon what is appropriate for the individual.

They will tell it to you straight – whether you have no significant problem with alcohol or drugs or if you have become dependent upon them - we believe that you will get the truth. No matter what, the evaluations that we have our clients do remain confidential and do not go to anyone other than us unless and until they are needed to be filed with the court.

The court is also required to keep the evaluations confidential. We have also found that most of our clients do not need to do alcohol or drug treatment outside of a one day class. However, for those that are in need of more comprehensive treatment many of them have thanked us in later years for the recommendations that we have made for their treatment providers. Ironically, more than one of our clients has said to us that being accused of the crime “was the best thing that could have happened to me.” Through the help of proper treatment they were able to change their life from one that was going down a destructive path to one full of hope and promise.

In the end, we think it is important to carefully evaluate treatment options. If you are fortunate enough not to need treatment, we will help you with that. If you do need treatment, we will help put you in touch with the right experts to turn things around.

Mental Health Evaluations:

Some people facing criminal charges have mental health issues. If you face depression, are bi-polar or have any other mental health issue, it may be important to get a mental health evaluation. Some of our clients have never sought treatment for mental health issues and we have helped them find an appropriate treatment provider. Other clients we have helped are in treatment and have needed help notifying their current provider of the charges faced, while at the same time protecting all their constitutional rights. We can help advise you on how to do this.

Domestic Violence Violations:

If your charges are related to “domestic violence” then you may need to get a domestic violence evaluation. Many domestic violence charges involve alcohol or drugs, so a drug and alcohol evaluation may also be required by the court. We have found that not all domestic violence evaluators do a “true” evaluation, that sometimes they just order treatment. We try and work with evaluators that will do an accurate evaluation of your situation.

Facing a Criminal Charge in Washington State?

Give Us A Call: 206-467-3190

We will not try to "hard sell" you.

Finally, we will not try to “hard sell” you to hire us. We know choosing an attorney is a big decision and one you must make carefully – not under pressure. Because an effective attorney-client relationship requires a lot of communication and trust, we really only want to represent people who feel comfortable with us and have complete confidence in our abilities. If you don't, then you have the right to an attorney that you do feel would be a better fit.

Thank you for taking the time to look through this web site. Please contact us if you would like to meet and further discuss how we may assist you.

Contact Us Today

Burg Criminal Defense is committed to answering your questions about DUI, Domestic Violence, Assault, Hit & Run, Reckless Driving, Theft/Shoplifting, Harassment, or Patronizing a Prostitute legal issues within the Seattle, Washington State area.

We offer a Free Initial Consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today at 206-467-3190 to schedule an appointment.
